
New Whistleblowing signaling system - D. Lgs. "Whistleblowing" No. 24/2023

Viridis Energia S.p.A. and Viridis Energia Asset Management S.r.l., a service company that operates on behalf of the Parent Company and all the subsidiaries of the Viridis Group, in accordance with Decree “Whistleblowing” No. 24/2023, pursuant to EU Directive 2019/1937, concerning the protection of persons who report violations of European Union law, have adopted their own internal reporting channel, through which whistleblowing alerts can be sent, ensuring the confidentiality of the identity of the person submitting the alert, of the other persons involved and of the content of the alert.

Who can send the reports?

Reports can be sent by internal or external subjects to the Companies, such as: employees, collaborators, self-employed, trainees, consultants, suppliers, shareholders or persons with functions of administration or control of the companies of the Viridis Energia Group, such as Directors or members of the Unions Colleges.

What can you report?

Whistleblowing reports must have precise, detailed, detailed and verifiable content and refer to relevant facts. Must be based on well-founded reasons and truthful news and relate to violations of law that affect the public interest or integrity of the Company (such as, for example, the commission of a corruptive act or the violation of rules on health and safety at work or the environment, etc.). Therefore, they do not constitute reports relevant for whistleblowing purposes and will not, therefore, be taken into account:

• Disputes, claims or personal requests relating to your employment relationship (to be sent to the functions of the Staff responsible);

• Complaints about poor performance by Viridis Energy Group companies (to be sent to dedicated corporate functions);

Go to the Whistleblowing Reporting Platform: viridisenergia.whistlelink.com

Documentation for download:

> General Whistleblowing internal channel management procedure